Q: Who Is Current Chief Secretary Of Punjab 2019?

Akbar Hussain Durrani
Col Tahir Maqsood Khan (Retd)
Yousuf Naseem Khokhar
BRIG.(R) Nasar Ahmed Mir

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Yousuf Naseem Khokhar

There are total 48 departments in Punjab government. Each department is headed by a minister (politician) and a secretary (bureaucrat). Chief minister is deemed to be the head of all executive tasks of the province. All ministers report to chief minister and all secretaries report to chief secretary who is a civil servant. Additionally, there are other autonomous bodies who report their work either to the chief secretary or secretaries.

Secretariat is fundamentally an office of sectaries from where the tasks of different departments are governed and commanded. To govern a province from a single point is easy as compared to invigilate a department from different position. Punjab sect rate head office is located in Lahore. It controls the cluster of all the secretaries of Punjab operational departments.

Chief secretary seats in Lahore from where he controls and invigilates other deparments. Till 1970 until the establishment of civil secretariat of Punjab ,chief minister had to interact with other department secretaries on his own behalf. But after 1971 civil secretariat was established and all the sectaries were put under the command of Chief sectary. It means you know about the Current Chief Secretary Of Punjab 2019.

Chief secretary is a bureaucrat usually of 22 grade. He made allocated by civil service exams of Pakistan. Initially, he is installed as a assistant commissioner of 17 grade at district level management. Step by step he is promoted through a hierarchy ;assistant commissioner(AC) grade-17,then district coordination officer (Dco grade-18) or deputy secretary to provincial government, then to deputy secretary to government of Pakistan (grade-19),then joint secretary of government of Pakistan or administration at divisional level (grade-20), then acting secretary of government of Pakistan(grade-21) and finally to chief secretary of grade 22. further explore about the Current Information Technology Minister 2019 In Pakistan.

Corruption today has become the culture of Pakistan society. At every hook and corner corruption is seemed to have been penetrated. And this very thing has been and presently checking Pakistan moving towards corruption. Bureaucracy is considered the backbone of any country. Practically, bureaucrats nor politicians rule a country. They know all records and balances of the country. In a nut shell ,every speck of thing concerning to the administration level come to their knowledge. White collar corruption more simply big corruption  happen to exist only because of bureaucrats. So it is the need of the hour to put our bureaucracy on right line. Politicians commit corruption with the help of bureaucrats only. Politicians practically know nothing about the secrets of administration they just only command. Corruption can only be rooted out just by turning our present bureaucrats direction. Hope now you have the enough idea of Current Chief Secretary Of Punjab 2019.

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