Question: Short term Assets are Expected to be Converted into Cash Within?

  • One year
  • Two years
  • Three years
  • Four years

Answer: One year 

Short term Assets are Expected to be Converted into Cash Within One Year

Current assets  basically known as the balance sheet that is a complete representation of the value of the assets that can reasonably put into the converting zone. However, current assets are major known as the form of the balance sheet. It is the act of bringing into representation the value of all the assets that can, later on, Short term Assets are Expected to be Converted into Cash Within. In the current assets, they add on to the cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, inventory, as well marketable security, prepaid expenses. Therefore, current assets hold the greater sum of importance for the business organizations.

Beacuse, as they act upon as the fund day-to-day operations and pay ongoing expenses. Depending on the concept and nature of the business, these current assets can even evolve as the barrels of crude oil, and also the baked goods, to foreign currency. On top of the balance sheet, current assets give away the display as in the form of liquidity. Hence, by which they can easily be turned into cash. Do you know a ledger account is prepared from?

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