What Are Output Devices?

Question:  What are Output Devices? Answer:  A hardware component which is used to receive the output from the computer Is called an output device. It takes information from the computer and converts it into a form that is understandable by the users. Speaker, monitor or LCD screen are known as output devices.

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What Is Computer Network?

Question? What Is Computer Network? Answer: A way of connecting computer together so that they can communicate, share information and other resources with called each other is called computer network. A computer network is also called the information network. The most popular information network is the internet. Computer Networks are working on single place offices, among different […]

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What Are Printer?

Question: What is Printer? Answer:  A Printer is most commonly used output device used to get a printer of documents on the paper. The output printer on the paper is called hard copy. The hardcopy is also called as a printout on paper. These days we have different types of printers like a digital printer, ink printer, […]

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What Is Meant By Artificial Intelligence?

Question: What Is Meant By Artificial Intelligence? Answer:  Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is also called the knowledge processor. The AI means an automatic program that let the machines to think and decide themselves.The programming languages LISP (List Program) and PROLOG(Programming with logic) are used for artificial intelligence.The scientists at ICOTin Japan use the PROLOG to develop […]

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